The UBC Media and Graphics Interdisciplinary Centre (MAGIC) is an academic unit within Faculty of Applied Sciences whose role is to support interdisciplinary research for the design of interactive technologies in a broad range of application areas.
MAGIC’s core competency is guiding interdisciplinary responses to research opportunities that span multiple academic disciplines. We do this through the creation of research collaborations that include collaborators from departments and academic units across campus.
MAGIC projects may be grant-funded or sponsored by private sector, government, and not-for-profit organizations. Projects frequently require integration of technologies within a social, cultural, and organizational (e.g. business) context as well as software and hardware engineering models and an innovative approach to collaborative project management. Past application domains include new media, computer supported collaborative learning and work, landscape visualization, decision evolution and knowledge management environments, VR, telerobotics, and entertainment.
MAGIC provides a newly interdisciplinary specialization in human-computer interaction at the Masters level which may be of interest to students.