KAMBE project

The Kalavasos and Maroni Built Environments (KAMBE) Project has been investigating the relationship between urban landscapes, social interaction, and social change in the Late Bronze Age (c. 1650-1100 BCE) on the eastern Mediterranean island of Cyprus.  Working with the MAGIC Lab, we’re currently developing an augmented reality (AR) app for the archaeological site of Kalavasos-Ayios Dhimitrios. […]

HCT Past Projects

Completed projects by students with weekly notes, deliverables and final reports Winter 2014 (eece496)SSF13W-496-01 Tribes Summer 2014? (cogs402)SSF14S-402-01 Tribe During 2013/14 ECE 496 was mostly replaced by Capstone project Winter 2013 (eece496)SSF13W-01 CampusBuzz (eece496)SSF13W-02 CampusNotes (eece496)SSF13W-05 Interactive public displays (eece496)SSF13W-07 funf with the WoTKit (eece496)SSF13W-08 Mobile Game to Crowdsource Walking Paths (eece496)SSF13W-10 Datalogger iOS app […]

Past Projects

(eece496)SSF13W-04 Footsy (cogs402)SSF13W-06 Creative thought and Info retrieval (eece496)SSF13W-09 EVOC / ‘is smiling contagious?’ (eece496)SSF13W-11 EVOC II: interactive web application (eece496)SSF13W-12 EVOC III (eece496)SSF13W-13 Multivariate Density Estimator Tool (cogs402)SSF13W-14 VA for financial systemic risk (COGS 402) (cogs402)SSF13W-15 Evaluation of the FIVA VA Tool (cogs402)SSF13W-16 Analyzing Public International Aviation Bird Strike Reports

Past Project Descriptions.

These projects are not available. Crowdsensing Traffic VivoSpace Cubee Projects MyView Projects Interactive Classroom The MAGIC Broker DiVA Projects The Ouija Project Internet of Things Platform Interactive Community Displays VA & Flow Cytometry Data Learning tool with Multiple Radiographs with Pathologies My Everyday Earth Gesture Control of Face Synthesis Cubee — Contact Sound Synthesis Cubee […]


Welcome to DIVAs Gestural Control of DIgital Ventriloquized Actors We are creating DIgital Ventriloquized Actors (DIVAs). DIVAs use hand gestures to synthesize audiovisual speech and song by means of an intermediate conversion of hand gestures to articulator (e.g., tongue, jaw, lip, vocal chords) parameters of a three-dimensional vocal tract model. DIVAs will be used in […]